All About Your Sand FilterSand Dollar Top Mount Pool Filter | Pool Filtration | Pentair


We at Hydra Hot Tubs & Pools use the Pentair SD Filter and they’re included with all of our pool installs. There are multiple settings but 99% of the time you will most likely have the dial on filter. The filter setting allows the water to have filtration through the pool to prevent the water from being stagnant. The pressure gauge is an indicator of when to clean the filter. The arrow for start will be around 10 to 15 PSI but can vary. Once the arrow reaches “clean filter” on the dial around the pressure gauge, which can take about a month to reach that point, it is time to backwash. Before ever changing the setting on the filter, you must turn off the pump first. After turning the dial to backwash, make sure the backwash hose is laid out properly where you want the water to drain to and then turn the pump on. As the water blows out, it is stirring the top of the sand and removing the dirt and debris. This allows better and more efficient filtration. You’ll want to backwash for about 90 seconds to 2 minutes, but be sure to keep an eye on the sightglass as well. Once the water in the sight is clear, turn the pump off, turn the dial to rinse and turn the pump back on. Rinse packs the sand back down. Run it on rinse for 30 seconds. Turn the pump back off and place the dial on “filter.” Turn the pump back on and you’re good to swim.

Waste is useful if the pool is too full of water. It’ll take the water directly from the pool and straight through the backwash hose. The closed setting closes the filter off so nothing can get in or out. Recirculate circulates the water but does not filter it. This is useful if you use a chemical that states that you cannot run it through the filter. Winterize is for winterizing the pool. This should be done after draining the filter. For any questions, give us a call!

We at Hydra Hot Tubs & Pools use the Pentair SD Filter and they’re included with all of our pool installs. There are multiple settings but 99% of the time you will most likely have the dial on filter. The filter setting allows the water to have filtration through the pool to prevent the water from being stagnant. The pressure gauge is an indicator of when to clean the filter. The arrow for start will be around 10 to 15 PSI but can vary. Once the arrow reaches “clean filter” on the dial around the pressure gauge, which can take about a month to reach that point, it is time to backwash. Before ever changing the setting on the filter, you must turn off the pump first. After turning the dial to backwash, make sure the backwash hose is laid out properly where you want the water to drain to and then turn the pump on. As the water blows out, it is stirring the top of the sand and removing the dirt and debris. This allows better and more efficient filtration. You’ll want to backwash for about 90 seconds to 2 minutes, but be sure to keep an eye on the sightglass as well. Once the water in the sight is clear, turn the pump off, turn the dial to rinse and turn the pump back on. Rinse packs the sand back down. Run it on rinse for 30 seconds. Turn the pump back off and place the dial on “filter.” Turn the pump back on and you’re good to swim.

Waste is useful if the pool is too full of water. It’ll take the water directly from the pool and straight through the backwash hose. The closed setting closes the filter off so nothing can get in or out. Recirculate circulates the water but does not filter it. This is useful if you use a chemical that states that you cannot run it through the filter. Winterize is for winterizing the pool. This should be done after draining the filter. For any questions, give us a call!