Expert Tips for Maintaining Your Above-Ground Pool 


Cleaning and maintaining your above ground pool can be a hassle. Here are some tips to make maintenance a little easier. 


Invest in the right tools!


There are a few essential tools that are a must: a telescopic cam pole, brush, leaf net, vacuum head and vacuum hose. A robotic vacuum cleaner will also cut back the time spent on vacuuming. 


Skim the surface daily and check baskets!


Leaves, bugs, and other debris will get trapped in the skimmer basket, creating less circulation. Make sure you keep these clean on a daily basis by emptying them and spraying them if needed. Skimming the surface will help to alleviate the skimmer basket’s job. 


Brush and vacuum the pool at least once a week!


Use a pool brush to clean the pool walls and floor, freeing any stuck debris. Vacuum at least once a week; this video will show you how to attach the vacuum to your skimmer. Having a robotic cleaner makes this process so much easier, only manually vacuuming as needed. 


Maintain proper water chemistry!


Test your pool water regularly using a test kit or by bringing a sample to either Hydra location. Adjust chlorine levels, ph, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and so on to maintain clean water and prevent cloudiness or the growth of algae. 


Keep your filter clean! 


If you have a sand filter, make sure you are backwashing, rinsing, and replacing the sand as needed. If you have a cartridge filter, make sure that you are rinsing the filters as needed and replacing them as necessary. 


Make sure that everything is clean around the pool!


If you have a deck, sweep or leaf blow to make sure that no debris accidentally blows into the pool. If you have trees, cut back any overhanging limbs that may put leaves into the pool. 


Most importantly, keep a schedule. By testing your water and cleaning your pool once a week, we can ensure a crystal-clear pool. If you would like more tips on keeping your above-ground pool clean, call 803-203-1322.