The Ultimate Pool Party Shopping List

Pool season is right around the corner, so it’s time to put the jackets up and sweats away for the short sleeves and shorts to be put on. Grills will be fired up, sun lotion lathered on and pool covers removed for summer. Here’s a few recommended items to make the most of your summer out by the pool:


Big Green Egg

Grill, roast, smoke and slow cook your favorite meats for a big meal with family and friends while enjoying a full day of pool fun. Big Green Egg has a wide variety of seasonings and sauces to season and marinate, including the Habanero Sauce which is excellent on smoked wings and beef short ribs.

Inflatable Hangout Chair

Even during a party the best thing to do can be to relax and take it easy. Soaking in some sun while lounging in the water can drown out the stress and bring about ultimate comfort. The Inflatable Hangout Chair Classic allows your upper half to float while the rear of the chair is submerged, allowing for the warmth of the sun and the cool water to both be appreciated at once.

Pool Basketball Hoop Set

Popular amongst adults and children, shooting hoops while in the pool allows for great exercise without having to be beaten down by the sun. So even if the pool gets lots of sun, the water will keep everyone cool enough to keep having fun without being too worn down. Some pool owners even get two goals to form a pool court.

Inflatable Beer Pong Table

A party staple, even for ones by the pool. Obviously its up to the party goers and the ones throwing the party to dictate what drinks go in the cups, so throw in beer, liquor or even non-alcoholic drinks, which no one will do.

Inflatable Ring Toss

Great for relaxed competition in the pool.