All About Pool Phosphates 

Phosphates will always be present in the water. This blog will answer basic questions about phosphates to help you understand them better. 


What are Phosphates? 

They are chemical compounds that contain phosphorus, a nonmetal element. Phosphates come from dead leaves, lawn fertilizer, and many other sources.  


Are Phosphates Dangerous? 

Long story short, no. However, phosphates are a good food source for algae at high enough levels. 


Pool before and after

How Do I Manage Phosphates? 

Phosphates are always being added to the water by several sources, so no matter what you do- they will always be there. The best way to lower your phosphate level is by using a phosphate remover.


Will Phosphate Remover Kill Algae? 

Simply put, no. You need to make sure your sanitizer is working properly and use an algaecide to completely get rid of algae blooms. However, phosphate remover is a great maintenance to ensure there is no food source for algae to bloom in the first place. 


How Do I Test For Phosphates? 

You can buy a phosphate test kit or bring a sample to your local pool store. The ideal range for phosphates is in between 0-1000 ppm.