Congratulations on your new pool!! Here are a few tips

Getting Started

  1. Plug in your Pentair Sand Filter, but DO NOT turn it on! It’s important to remember, whenever changing valve positions, to turn the the pump off, change the valve position, then turn it back on. You will use the filter position most of the time.
  2. Change your valve position to RINSE, then run the pump for at least 2 minutes or until the water runs clear. This is important to clear out any debris that may otherwise will run back into the pool and will run out with the waste water.
  3. Turn off the pump, then change the valve position to FILTER. Turn the pump back on and the filter will run.
  4. Add 1 bag of shock to your pool.
  5. Bring in your pool water to have us test the water and have it balanced. You will likely need Calcium hardness and Alkalinity increaser.

Water is too high

  1. Turn off the pump, switch the valve position to WASTE, attach your backwash hose and run the pump. This will remove excess water.
  2. A good rule of thumb…water needs to be up to the 3rd screw on the skimmer.


  1. To clean your filter (backwash), turn off the pump and switch the valve to BACKWASH, the turn pump back on for about 90 seconds. Then turn the pump off, switch to RINSE, turn the pump back on for 30 seconds. Turn the pump off again, move valve to FILTER and turn back on. And your filter should be clean.

Sand Filter Basics